Tribest Green star Juicer Elite is a cold press masticating juicer that preserves maximum amount of nutrients and enzymes in the extracted juice that also tastes amazing.
Greenstar Juicer Elite is the one of the best cold press masticating juicers for home use.
- it extracts maximum amount of juice from greens.
- it outperforms other juicers when juicing fruits and vegetables extracting highest juice yields.
- the slow speed of juicing ensures best juice quality but also, a long shelf-life for the extracted juice.
- Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer comes with a 15-year warranty on the juicer
- it includes different accessories to make pasta, nut butter, sorbet, baby food and bread sticks using the attachments provided.
Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer
- It takes some learning to get used to juicing with this juicer.
Popular Tribest Greenstar Juicer Models
Model |
Price | Type | Overall Ratings | Positive Reviews |
Tribest Green star Juicer Elite | $$$ | Home use | 4.4 | 938 |
Tribest Green star Pro | $$$$ | Pro | 4 | 185 |
Tribest Slowstar Vertical Slow Juicer | $$ | Home use | 4.3 | 795 |
The commercial model Tribest Green star Pro is for those looking for a slow masticating juicer model with all the bells and whistles. This cold-press juicer model is the ultimate in juicing technology.
Tribest Green star Pro
And there’s also the Tribest SW-2000 Slowstar Vertical Slow Juicer model which is a popular masticating juicer for cold press juice extraction. It rotates at a slow speed of just 47 RPM.
Powered by a duo-blade Ultem auger, this juicer is exceedingly effective at crushing any produce into pulp rapidly and extracting the maximum possible quantity of juice from it.
Green Star Juicer Test Results In Brief:
Why should you buy a Green Star juicer?
- Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer gave the best juicing performance amongst our test candidates.
- Excellent juicing performance was also noted with leafy greens, which is the biggest Achilles heel of many juicers. Green Star juicer on the other hand gave excellent juice yield for most types of greens.
- Solidly built appliance, the Greenstar juicer comes with a 15-year warranty.
- Multi-purpose appliance – other than juicing, it can make nut butter, pasta, baby food and more.
- Bonus accessories to extrude pasta, nut butter and other stuff are included with the Green Star juicer at the time of purchase.
- Great value as the Green Star juicer yields most amount of juice, so you save on produce year on year, comes with bonus accessories that you can use to make your own home made foods, again saving on costs.
When you consider all this the initial cost is not such a deal breaker.
Who Should not buy the Green Star juicer?
- The Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer is slightly more difficult to assemble, take apart and clean than other juicers. It involves some learning. So, if you lack time or patience don’t buy it.
- If you are frail or have arthritis or other physical disabilities of the hands this juicer is not for you or for that matter most masticating juicers because of the force needed to push the produce in through the feed tube.
- Greenstar juicer is heavy but the in-built handle reduces the inconvenience of moving it around.
Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer
Green Star Juicer – Assessing Juicing Performance
- Soft Produce
- Hard Produce
- Green Produce
- Wheatgrass
- Combo Produce
To Maximize Yield
Since, the aim was to produce maximum juice yield from the Green star juicer we followed the instructions on preparations to be made as given in the instructions manual and juiced slowly. At no point did we rush the juicer.
Where the instructions said to feed, we fed the juicer and when the instructions said to push we pushed using the food pusher gently but firmly. We monitored the juice yield at regular intervals. This would give us the rate of juice production by the Green Star juicer. Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer
Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer
Juicing Soft Produce With Green Star Juicer:
To test the Greenstar juicer’s soft produce juice yield we used oranges and grapes. One pound of oranges resulted in 10 ounces juice. The juice was pulpy but smooth. Juicing grapes was easier and the yield was much higher at 13.5 ounces juice. There was hardly any pulp in the juice. For both cases the juicing time was a little over 3 minutes.
While the juice yield for oranges is lowest among the several other masticating juicers tested. The grape juice yield was the highest. But the time taken to juice oranges with Greenstar Juicer Elite is almost 5 minutes if you add the prep time.
This is the slowest among all the juicers tested for oranges. Most masticating juicers we tested used between 45 seconds to 2 minutes to juice oranges.
Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer
Juicing Hard Produce With Green Star Juicer:
For testing the Green Star juicer’s performance with hard produce we used apples, celery and carrots. Prep times was almost zero for carrots and celery, but for apples, we had to cut it into 16 pieces so, it will fit through the feed chute. Carrots gave a yield of 8 ounces of juice, while celery stalks yield was 13 ounces and finally for apples the yield was 11 ounces.
Juicing Greens With Green Star Juicer:
Green Star juicer performance was astounding to say the least when juicing spinach. It produced 12 ounce of juice for 16 ounce of raw spinach. No other masticating juicer came even close to this number. The pulp content in the juice was also pretty low. So overall Greenstar Juicer Elite was the best for spinach.
Also, the time taken to juice this amount of spinach was around 7 minutes. Now even though the time taken to juice seems like a lot. It is actually is much less than what other masticating juicers took. Some juicers took as much as 14 minutes to juice one pound of spinach.

On juicing wheatgrass with Greenstar juicer, the yield was 2.4 oz for 4 oz wheatgrass. This places it somewhere in the middle of other slow juicers in terms of yield. Also, it took the least amount of time when juicing wheatgrass. Other juicers took up to 3 times more time than Greenstar juicer.
Juicing combination of hard, soft and greens
Combining different type of produce like wheatgrass, celery, apples, spinach, carrots and oranges was our next test. Greenstar performance can be termed average in this category. It also took the longest time to juice among all slow juicers.
Quality of Juice Produced By Green Star Juicer
The quality of juice extracted by Greenstar Juicer Elite is exceptional. This compares well with the juice quality of other slow juicers. Comparing juices extracted by slow juicers against centrifugal juicers we note that the quality of juices from slow juicers are much superior.
Tribest Greenstar Juicer Elite
Overview of Juicing Performance:
1. The Green Star juicer gave the highest amount of grape juice among masticating juicers and the lowest amount of orange juice. So, this juicer is not great for citrus fruits.
2. This longer than average juicing time of Green Star juicers is because of the way its twin gears process produce.
3. The yields for carrots, celery with Greenstar Juicer Elite was higher than the average yields of most masticating juicers. For apples, it was comparable to other masticating juicers.
4. Again juicing times were longest except for celery which took relatively less time.
5. The fastest juicer when it comes to juicing spinach and wheatgrass.
6. Maximum yield of spinach juice with very little pulp. So if you plan on juicing greens mainly the Greenstar juicer is the best bet for you.
7. Average yield for wheatgrass juice.
8. Average performer when juicing a combination of hard, soft and leafy produce. Also, takes maximum amount of time when juicing combination of different types of produce.
Summary Of Juicing Performance – 4.5/5
Tribest Greenstar Juicer Elite
Other notable factors Of Greenstar Juicer:
The Green Star juicer needs a lot of physical effort to juice. Even those who are strong and able will find that this juicer involves effort and strain on the muscles. For instance, to push some produce through the feed chute we had to literally lean on the pusher adding our body weight to the effort. This is fine for the younger folks or those with no physical ailments. Those with disabilities, the frail or elderly will find it very difficult to use.
Green star Juicer Assembly
Large Number of Parts In Greenstar juicer
There are 13 parts to put together before you can start juicing with Green Star juicer. This is one of the highest number of parts compared to several juicer brands we tested.
On average other slow juicers had about 10 parts to assemble. It is not the number of parts that cause any difficulty in assembly but rather how they fit together. Most experienced users can assemble the Green Star juicer for juicing in less than a minute. A first time user may take even 10 minutes trying to figure it all out.
Assembling The Parts Of The Greenstar Juicer
In the first step you need to physically push twin gear housing on to the body of the Greenstar Juicer Elite . This requires considerable arm strength. If you have any medical conditions or physical disability of the hands this step is going to be a stumbling block each time. If you don’t push this part sufficiently deep enough you will not know about it until several steps later.
Precision In Assembling Of Greenstar Juicer
Getting on with Greenstar juicer assembly. In the second step the twin gears – drive gear and free wheel gear have to be lined up precisely using manufacturer provided location dots(painted) and while handling the heavy gears, you have to insert them as a pair into the twin gear housing.
Also, you have to push them towards the juicer body until you can not push it in any further. You have to rotate the gears pair to seat them correctly in place. When they are seated correctly they will lock in place. It takes a bit of expertise and experience to get this step right and also know that it is locked in place.
Perform This Check
One way to check for it is to look through the feed chute to see if the gears are seated correctly. If seated correctly no part of the drive shaft will be visible. If drive shaft or even part of is visible that means you have not seated the gears correctly and need to do it right by rotating the gears and pushing them in. Only then can you proceed to the next step.
Without the correct seating of the gears the outlet casing won’t latch on to the juicer body. So, as we said earlier you need to get that step done correctly before moving to this step. The same problem crops up if the earlier step of the twin gear housing not being fitted onto the juicer body correctly. In both cases the outlet casing won’t latch on to the juicer body.
Tribest Greenstar Juicer Elite
Next step In Assembly of Green star Juicer
Once the above two steps are completed successfully and correctly the rest of the assembly is pretty straightforward and it is quite intuitive. As a final step you have to slide on the safety bonnet over all the moving parts to both protect you and them from any potential damage.
Note: Any damage to the green star juicer due to faulty assembly is not covered by warranty. So make sure you do it right. Follow the step-by-step instruction in the user manual.
Green Star juicer is one of the most difficult to assemble juicers in the market today. It takes time and patience to get it right. The number of parts needing assembly is also large.
So we give rating of 2/5 for assembly difficulty of the Greenstar juicer.
Tribest Greenstar Juicer Elite
Prep Times For Green Star Juicer
Next step after assembly is preparing the food for juicing. The size of the fruits or vegetables that you are going to juice should be of the right size to fit the feed chute. It should also be the right size to juice efficiently. The feed chute of the Green Star juicer is a square of 1.5 inch x 1.5 inch and is very small size compared to 3-inch wide feed chutes of some centrifugal juicers. Though this small size compares well with other horizontal and also vertical masticating juicers.
Longer Prep Times
With a smaller size chute you have to cut the produce smaller. So, the preparation time for cutting vegetables and fruits in preparation for juicing with Green Star juicer is longer than when juicing with other centrifugal juicers. Please go through the user manual on instructions on how to cut different produce to get maximum amount of juice. Juicing efficiency of Greenstar juicer is higher if the produce is prepared(cut) to the right size.
Detailed Instructions On Preparation
The manual that comes with the Green Star juicer instructs users on how to juice different types of produce. There are detailed instructions on how to cut the produce, how to juice it, exactly how to turn the juicing knob, how to feed the produce and how to push produce while juicing.
The manual is exceptionally detailed. For instance to juice hard root vegetables the instructions are
1. Wash the root vegetable well
2. Cut into long thin pieces
3. Tighten the juicing knob all the way
4. Feed the root end into the juicer
5. Press the blunt end(thicker end) with the plunger provided
6. Feed one piece at a time.
It is best to follow the instructions provided in the user manual.
Food Prep Times For Greenstar Juicer
While grapes are small and need no cutting, large carrots can be cut into smaller pieces, smaller carrots don’t need it at all. Surprisingly celery needs no cutting when being juiced in the Green Star Elite. Usually the celery stalks wrap themselves around the single auger masticating juicers jamming it. This was not an issue with the Greenstar juicer.
Some Quick Lessons For Cutting Prep Times
- After juicing a while we did not cut the carrots at all and juiced them whole in the Green star juicer. As we found carrots really don’t need to be chopped.
- Oranges however need to be cut in eights and apples into sixteenths which is unique to the Greenstar juicer. Spinach and wheatgrass are usually sold cleaned in bags, so no need to cut.
- To get the best results the Greenstar user manual actually gives instructions on how to prepare Fuji and Granny Smith apples vs Red Delicious apples. Because of the small feed chute size of 1.5 in by 1.5 inch it becomes a necessity to cut the apples the right size so, they will fit into the opening. Cutting in to 16 pieces is the only way that can happen.
How Does Food Prep Times In Greenstar juicer Compare With Other Masticating Juicers?
The experience was a little strange or different. While you would expect carrots and celery needing to be cut, with a Green Star juicer there is no need to cut them at all. Just clean and feed them into the chute the right way. That’s it. Same with grapes, wheatgrass and spinach. No need to cut any of that too. But apples and oranges need to be cut and into tiny pieces(16 and 8 respectively). So, that was unexpected.
Rating 3.5/5
Tribest Greenstar Juicer Elite is the ultimate juicing machine for home users.
And there’s also the vertical Tribest SW-2000 Slowstar Slow Juicer
Ease of Cleaning Of The Green Star Juicer
The Greenstar juicer has several parts that need a good clean after every juicing. It takes up to 10 minutes to clean the juicer which is almost double that of other masticating juicers.
On average most masticating juicers have fewer parts than the Greenstar juicer which need cleaning. It is also more difficult to clean as the parts are large with more surface area. Also, due to the shape there are several hard to reach places/surfaces which need cleaning and that takes time.
You can’t rush it as you might miss some places. The parts that are difficult to clean are the safety bonnet which is rather large piece of plastic, the juicing screen and the outlet casing. The most difficult to clean are the twin gears.
Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer
Considering the difficulty of cleaning of the Green star juicer, the manufacturer has included cleaning brushes to help with the process. These brushes were very useful to clean the juicer.
User manual provides detailed instruction on cleaning the juicer. It is best to clean it immediately after use else, soak the parts in warm water with some liquid soap. Use the brush provided to scrub difficult to reach places. Wash under a running tap.
Staining In Greenstar Juicer
Main body and the plastic part of the twin gear assembly get stained easily, but they cannot be easily cleaned. The stains on main body is difficult to remove as it is solid housing the main motor. The stain on rest of the parts is easily cleaned by soaking, scrubbing with soap and water.
Not Dishwasher Safe
No part of the Green Star juicer is safe. So, do not put them in the dishwasher.
Cleaning Summary and Overall Score: Not easy to clean. Score 2.5/5
Factors That Affect Ease Of Use:
Learning Curve
Juicing with Greenstar juicer is not at all easy in the beginning. It has a steep learning curve. It takes a few weeks of frequent juicing with the Green star juicer to learn all the idiosyncrasies of the machine. All the do’s and don’t take time to become second nature to you. From food preparation for juicing, to cleaning it thoroughly to assembly, to juicing all take time to learn. Once you master these steps you will start enjoying the juicing process with your GreenStar juicer as it produces excellent juice and high yields.
Steep Learning Curve 3/5
Pushing Produce While Juicing In Green Star Juicer
Most horizontal masticating juicers have this issue. You need to apply considerable force to push the produce perpendicular to the juicing mechanism. It is much easier with vertical masticating juicers and centrifugal juicers which hardly need any effort.
Produce Pushing: 2/5
Plastic and Wood Pusher:
Two types of pushers are provided with Greenstar juicer. One pusher is plastic and the other is wood. The design of this pusher prevents any contact with twin gears of the juicer assembly. While the wooden pusher does come in contact with the gear assembly. Nothing wrong in either pusher.
With one, you can help push the food down more than the other. Each has its purpose. Use the wood pusher if you want to push the food all the way down. Firm vegetables need more force than soft ones. Also, the last part of the produce takes more force to push through. This aspect was toughest with Greenstar juicers as compared to most other horizontal masticating juicers.
Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer
Juicing Knob Adjustment In Green Star Juicer
To get maximum yield for firm produce tighten the knob to maximum extent and loosen it a bit when juicing softer produce. So the soft produce pulp can eject with ease. You’ll learn how to adjust the knob based on the produce you are feeding over time to get maximum yield. Additional knob available for soft produce.
Maximizing yield 5/5
Tribest Greenstar Pro is the commercial version with all the features you are looking for in a ultimate juicer machine
Tribest Greenstar Pro
Greenstar juicer is rather heavy and but the sturdy handle molded into the main body makes it easier to handle. So, those with disabilities should keep the heavy weight in mind. The main body weighs about 13+ lbs. Though not the heaviest. It is still heavier than most other juicers except Champion juicer. But the handle makes it convenient to move.
Heavy 4/5
Control Buttons In Green Star Juicer
A big, bright, red toggle button on top is the only switch on the green star juicer. You can ON/OFF/REVERSE helps you to juice, reverse the juicer direction or switch it off. You can not miss the button.
Big, Red, On Top 5/5
Chute Size
Just like horizontal masticating juicers the feed chute size is rather small in green star juicer. You have to spend more time on preparing the produce so you can juice.
Small 4/5
Sliding or Moving
The Green star juicer has 4 rubber feet and the higher weight of the main body ensures that there is no sliding or moving around while juicing. The juicer doesn’t move, slide or vibrate during juicing due to the heavy weight and rubber feet.
No sliding and no vibration noted. Score 5/5
Greenstar Cold Press Masticating Slow Juicer
Long Power Cord
The green star juicer comes with the longest power cord so, you have the freedom to locate it wherever it is convenient for juicing in your kitchen. This is really very convenient and the cord is removable too, which is another convenient thing for storage.
Long and removable power cord 5/5
User Manual
Top quality and detailed instructions in several languages make this one of the best instruction manuals among the several juicers we tested. User manual also explains all aspects in using the green star juicer in minute detail. You will find step-by-step instructions on cleaning, food prep, pushing food, assembly, dismantling, juicing and more in this excellent manual.
Juice Collector
Greenstar juicer comes with a juice collector but no pulp bin. You need to find a bin to collect the ejected pulp that can sit under the ejector. It is a minor inconvenience as the container should be wide and short. The juice collector is short and wide and can hold about 28 oz of juice.
Ease of Use Summary of Greenstar juicer
Overall Score for ease of use is 4/5
The Greenstar juicer is a multi-purpose machine. Use in a variety of ways from making pasta to baby food. Juice, make sorbets, breadsticks or homogenize. It is highly versatile.
Tribest Greenstar Juicer Elite is the ultimate juicing machine for home users.
Tribest Greenstar Pro is the commercial version with all the features you are looking for in a ultimate juicer machine Tribest Greenstar Pro
The Greenstar juicer is made with high quality materials and the parts that come in contact with food are made from BPA-free plastic. It is well-made and there hardly any complaints regarding its construction.
Tribest which makes the Greenstar juicer has been around since 1988. This Green star juicer elite model is the latest iteration of the decade of making similar juicer models. It is a reputed and trusted brand with decades of juicer experience. It is an American company. United States office handles customer support and warranty support.
Tribest offers a 15-year warranty on the Green Star juicer. This covers the motor, twin gears and plastic parts. Most slow juicers offer 10 to 15 year warranties.
USA Based Support
As the company is US based you can easily reach them over the phone, email or even snail mail. There is no problem with customer support issues. There are no complaints against the company for not honouring their warranties.
However, you need to register with Tribest within 10 days of purchase of your Green star juicer to receive warranty coverage. If you forget to regist your warranty will won’t work. Yes, Tribest is the only company that has such a stipulation. So make sure you register your purchase soon after buying to get warranty coverage. You also need to handle the shipping part as the company does not cover it.
The Greenstar juicer is a very durable juicer. Has been in the market for 7 years and there are no complaints about its construction. It comes with 12-year warranty. Only issue is requirement for product registration within 10 days of purchase to honour the warranty.
Score 4.5/5
Tribest Greenstar Juicer Elite is the ultimate juicing machine for home users.
While the initial cost of juicer is on the higher side, if you consider that juice yield for green star is very high and hence even if you juice just one ingredient over 2 years the savings on produce costs in itself will pay back for the high initial cost of the green star juicer. So, what seems like high at first will work out much cheaper in just a couple of years due to the savings in produce cost.
Greenstar is a high-end slow juicer and offers excellent value for money proposition to the serious juicers. The juicing performance of Green star elite is exceptional and juice yields are highest for many types of fresh produce.
Score: 5/5
Tribest Greenstar Juicer Elite is the ultimate juicing machine for home users.
Tribest Greenstar Pro is the commercial version with all the features you are looking for in a ultimate juicer machineTribest Greenstar Pro